
In the manufacturing and development of our products, we pay close attention to the selection and sustainability of our raw materials. Besides, pedagogical value of the of a toy is as important for us as the health safety of the product.

The prove that we live up to this claim comes from the positive customers’ feedback as well as from the results of independent consumer magazines and certified agencies. Here we provide an overview of these institutions and their approaches.

ÖKO-TEST is a preventive consumer protection since 1985 - independent, objective, scientific.

Under the slogan "live properly", ÖKO-TEST examines everything you need for life, whether it is cosmetics, baby food, detergents, paints, French fries, lawn mowers, financial services, insurance, stocks or retirement provisions – all are subjected to strict, independent, scientific tests. The winning positions are distinguished with the famous ÖKO-TEST label.

Find out more at  www.oekotest.de

“spiel-gut” is an organization which has been evaluating and awarding toy products for more than 60 years. The orange label offers parents a decision-making aid to find the perfect match for their child in the colossal toy market. The products distinguished with “spiel-gut” label have been thoroughly examined by experts and enjoyed by children.

For more information follow the official website at  www.spielgut.de