We would not carry the word "eco" in the name if we were not aware of the responsibility towards our environment and next generations. This is why, when selecting our raw materials, we pay a close attention not only to their origin and quality, but also to sustainable and resource-conserving production and processing. Here, the special focus is on the production of palm oil.
A large portion of the palm oil is produced in violation of environmental laws and human rights. That is why we have committed ourselves to use for the production of our wax-crayons only palm oil that comes from certified cultivation areas. We have joined the FORUM "Sustainable Palm Oil" not only to demonstrate our commitment, but also to fight for 100% certified palm oil and palm kernel oil available to the German, Austrian and Swiss markets as quickly as possible.
For more information about FONAP, please visit:
Product master data say a lot about the sustainability and transparency of a product and its producer. In order to make this transparency accessible to the market in a simple and uniform form, we have become a member of DATANatuRe eG since the end of 2016. It manages a central data pool for product and master data maintenance, which allows the trade partners to access product master data and information at any time. Organic dealers and wholesalers are thus given the opportunity to select products even more quickly and efficiently according to ecological and sustainable aspects.
You can find more information on DATANatuRE and the central data pool at:
BUND German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation
To demonstrate our support of global environmental protection movement, ökoNORM has become a member of BUND, German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation. The goal of more than 565,000 members of the BUND is to preserve the natural basis of life for humans, animals and plants, thus preserving the natural beauty and diversity of the environment.
You can find out more about activities of BUND at: